Accounting Activities
The incomes defined in the clauses 23, 24 and 26 of the Law on Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges no 5174 are followed ad collected in accordance with the terms of the relevant clauses of the same law, Regulation on the Determination and Payment of the Registration Fee and Annual Membership Fee and Supplementary Fee and the Regulation on the Budget and Accounting.
a) Registration fee.
b) The annual fee.
c) Supplementary dues.
d) Fees received in return for the services.
e) Document fees.
f) Publication incomes.
g) Donations.
h) Fines.
i) Affiliates’ profit.
j) The fee collected from vessels.
k) Timely increases.
l) Securities and real estate capital gains, corporate profits and remittances.
m) Tariff approval fee.
n) Other incomes.
Registration Fee: The fee to be paid by the member in the year he / she is registered at the chamber.
Annual Fee: The fee to be paid by the member every year after the year of registration.
(Payment time: two instalments in June and October)
Supplementary Fee: Fee obtained from the member at the rate of 5 in a thousand over the previous year’s Commercial Balance Sheet Profit / Commercial Revenues in the Corporate / Income Tax Declarations. The ones in loss do not pay supplementary fee.
(Payment time : two instalments in June and October)
The charges collected by other service units of our Chamber in return for the documents and services provided by them.
You can pay the fees and other payments through TRANSFER to the below stated bank branches.
– İş Bankası Başkent Branch IBAN NO: TR68 0006 4000 0014 2990 0037 53
– Denizbank Ulus Ticari Branch IBAN NO: TR43 0013 4000 0016 0123 7000 42
– Garanti Bankası İskitler Branch IBAN NO: TR63 0006 2000 0850 0006 2995 06
– Halkbankası Org. San. Bölge (410) Branch IBAN NO: TR35 0001 2009 4100 0016 0000 02
– Vakıfbank Merkez Branch IBAN NO: TR56 0001 5001 5800 7300 0421 03
– Credit Card can be used for payments. (the debts of the previous years can be paid by credit card at the payment office of our Chamber or our Registration Office at ATO (Ankara Chamber of Commerce))
Legislation: Law on Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges no 5174, Regulation on the Determination and Payment of the Registration Fee and Annual Membership Fee and Supplementary Fee and the Regulation on the Budget and Accounting
Contact Information:
Directorate of Financial Affairs
Phone : 0312 417 12 00
Fax : 0312 417 52 05
E-mail :